Floating Life Animation In 2020 writer, actor, playwright, and revolutionary, Carmen Aguirre invited me to animate her short story, Floating Life for the Stratford Festival. It premiered online as part of Stratford Festival’s Viral Transmissions programming.
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Mothra Parent Artist Residency
When my twins were three months old we spent a week the Mothra artist residency at Gilbraltar Point on Toronto Island where parent-artists work alongside their children. It is an experiment in art making and care, where childcare and art are not separate but in relationship.
Alaska Robotics Mini-Con: A Tiny Convention and Comics Camp in Juneau, Alaska
This spring I went to Juneau, Alaska, Tlingit territory for a comics camp and mini con.
Laskeek Bay Artist in Residence
Spent a week on Limestone Island in the K’uuna Gwaay Conservancy drawing with seabird researchers and circumstantial whale researchers with the Laskeek Bay Conservation Society.
Comics and Medicine Conference, Seattle June 2017
I presented my comic, “Queer in Common Country,” from the book The Remedy, at the Comics and Medicine Conference in Seattle, Washington.
TSG: Come Together, Gladstone Hotel
That’s So Gay (TSG): Come Together June 8th – August 17th 2016 A group show celebrating new works by LGBTTI2QQ artists curated by Syrus Marcus Ware. The 2016 subtitle (Come Together) refers to many things: a call to action and activism during a year that has witnessed unprecedented coverage of cross-movement building amongst Indigenous, Black and POC Two-Spirited and LGBTTI2QQ … Read More
The Graphic History Collective travelled to Calgary to present our new book, Drawn to Change at Congress. This is a short travel comic on my impressions of Calgary. More information: Calgary downtown vacancy rate moving towards 25% | CBC June 1, 2016 Evictions and the Right to Housing: Experience from Canada, Chile… | Book ‘We … Read More
Drawn to Change Launch
Drawn to Change: Graphic Histories of Working Class StruggleBetween the Lines Press, Spring 2016 In Spring 2016, the Graphic History Collective launched our new book, Drawn to Change, an anthology of comics about the histories of working class struggles in Canada. Read more about tour and book launches in BC, Calgary and Ontario.
Italia, Autumn 2015
A comic journal of my trip to Italy in the autumn of 2015 on my way to the Komikazen International Reality Comic Festival in Ravenna, Italy.
Lines in the Crisis
I this comic based on a conversation on the Greek economic crisis with comic artists from around the world during a workshop with American cartoonist Ted Rall at the Komikazen International Reality Comics Festival in Ravenna, Italy in October 2015.