When my twins were three months old we spent a week the Mothra artist residency at Gilbraltar Point on Toronto Island where parent-artists work alongside their children. It is an experiment in art making and care, where childcare and art are not separate but in relationship.
Alaska Robotics Mini-Con: A Tiny Convention and Comics Camp in Juneau, Alaska
This spring I went to Juneau, Alaska, Tlingit territory for a comics camp and mini con.
Laskeek Bay Artist in Residence
Spent a week on Limestone Island in the K’uuna Gwaay Conservancy drawing with seabird researchers and circumstantial whale researchers with the Laskeek Bay Conservation Society.
Comics and Medicine Conference, Seattle June 2017
I presented my comic, “Queer in Common Country,” from the book The Remedy, at the Comics and Medicine Conference in Seattle, Washington.
TSG: Come Together, Gladstone Hotel
That’s So Gay (TSG): Come Together June 8th – August 17th 2016 A group show celebrating new works by LGBTTI2QQ artists curated by Syrus Marcus Ware. The 2016 subtitle (Come Together) refers to many things: a call to action and activism during a year that has witnessed unprecedented coverage of cross-movement building amongst Indigenous, Black and POC Two-Spirited and LGBTTI2QQ … Read More
The Graphic History Collective travelled to Calgary to present our new book, Drawn to Change at Congress. This is a short travel comic on my impressions of Calgary. More information: Calgary downtown vacancy rate moving towards 25% | CBC June 1, 2016 Evictions and the Right to Housing: Experience from Canada, Chile… | Book ‘We … Read More